Welcome to the content hub for the blog. Here you will find two different types of articles. Firstly, there are articles focused purely on education. I take my knowledge and research and try to summarize it and provide it to you in a helpful format. Secondly, there are posts on all kinds of different topics that will be a mix of educational, opinion and experience sharing.
Over time, I hope to touch on all the different aspects of daily life as a person recovering from addiction. Whether it be struggles, victories or just simple ways to enhance clean and sober living, I have an opinion. I do not claim to always be right but you will find me respectful of different views. When sharing with other people and having dialogue, I like to keep the following quote from Marcus Aurelius top of mind!
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.
Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
Series of Related Articles
Learn About Addiction
A Short Series of articles providing information about addictions.
Stoicism and Philosophers
Here we explore the philosophy of Stoicism and its most prominent philosophers.
Stoicism and Recovery
Here we explore where the practice of Stoicism can bolster and enhance ones recovery.
Blog Articles
Step 8 – How Becoming Willing Leads to Freedom
Step 8 in Alcoholics Anonymous: A Path to Healing and Accountability Welcome to Step 8!...
Discover the Power of Humility: A Pathway to Healing
Humility is a concept that is often misunderstood today. It is sometimes mistaken for weakness or...
Patience: Your Secret Weapon in Improving Recovery
Patience - The Struggle is Real! Practicing patience can often feel like trying to nail Jell-O to...