Turning the Page - Begin your journey

Turning the Page: Stoic Insights into Addiction Recovery

Empowering Recovery through Experience and Research

Welcome to our blog, where ancient wisdom meets modern addiction recovery techniques. My name is Tony Harte, and I bring over 34 years of firsthand experience as a recovering alcoholic and drug addict to our discussions here. My journey began in a treatment facility—the same one that gave me my first job in the recovery field. This dual perspective, both as a participant and as a staff member, has uniquely equipped me to understand the complexities of addiction and recovery.

Recovering from addiction is about changing our lives and turning the page to a brighter future. To that end, come join us on a journey of discovery, strength, and new beginnings—a trip guided by the tried and true approaches from the AA 12-Step Program reinforced and deepened by the ancient wisdom of Stoicism.

My Background in Recovery

After spending a year in recovery, I continued my education in Information Technology while working at the treatment facility that supported my journey. This role involved monitoring patients, administering medications, and assisting in various therapeutic activities—all without becoming a certified counselor. These experiences, combined with my academic focus, have allowed me to interact with hundreds of individuals battling substance abuse, providing me with a profound education in alcohol and drug addiction rehabilitation.

Continued Engagement and Learning

Most of my contributions to helping others have been through intensive one-on-one AA 12-Step work. However, driven by a desire to expand my impact, I’ve created this blog. It combines recovery content with the ancient wisdom of Stoicism, offering a unique perspective on overcoming addiction.

Commitment to Accurate and Useful Content

While I am not a medical professional, I ensure that all medical-related content here is thoroughly researched and sourced. I’ve dedicated my life to learning and sharing information about addiction recovery, leveraging my personal experiences and extensive research. However, I encourage all readers to seek professional medical advice for issues related to physical health and serious life implications, especially in processes like detoxification.

My Goal

This blog aims to provide you with useful, well-researched information to aid your recovery journey. While I don’t claim to have all the answers, my extensive experience and dedication to this field drive me to share insights that can support you or your loved ones. Let’s embark on this path of recovery and enlightenment together.



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