Table of Contents 2 3 Step 11 AA: Prayer, Meditation & Finding Your Higher PowerPrayer and Meditation SimplifiedFor Agnostics and AtheistsDeveloping a Personal PracticeStep 11 and Stoicism: A Harmonious ConnectionThe Role of Prayer in Step 11Meditation: A Practice...
This Too Shall Pass: Finding Hope and Resilience in AA Here is another article on popular AA slogans. Right behind “One Day At A Time,” this was easily my most used slogan to stay sober. If this slogan had tires, I would have gone through many sets of them. The slogan...
LISTEN HERE Table of Contents 2 3 FirstHeadingLISTEN HEREThe Importance of Step 10 in AA: A Stoic PerspectiveMaintaining sobriety with Step 10How to Work Step 10 in AAThe Stoic...
LISTEN HERE One Day at a Time: The Recovery Mantra That Changes Everything I will be posting a series of shorter articles on popular AA slogans. In simple terms, slogans are short, memorable...