
A Stoic Sobriety Empowering Recovery with Stoic Wisdom

A Stoic Sobriety Empowering Recovery with Stoic Wisdom

             Hi! I am Tony

Hi I am Tony Nice to meet you

Welcome! As noted, I am Tony Harte. Above all, I am an alcoholic and a drug addict. My sobriety date is September 7th, 1989. On that day, I had a Taco Bell lunch with my parents and then signed in to a treatment center that would introduce me to a new life. I personally built my clean and sober life of AA but I support any approach to sobriety that helps those suffering from addiction.

I am a lifetime learner that really kicked off when I read the Big Book of AA in 3 days while in treatment. I have studied, some deeply and others on the surface, all the different religions and philosophies over the last three decades. As a result, I found  two belief systems, Stoicism and Buddhism, that have really had an impact on my thinking in addition to the wisdom I have found in the fellowship. Chiefly, stoicism has become my favorite bolt on to the 12 Steps and has become a passion. Mixing two of my passions, here I am doing this blog to learnings and experiences and as part of working the 12th Step.

I love reading and playing golf. I am a sports fan with the Indianapolis Colts, Arsenal (English Premier League) and USA National Soccer Teams. Watching movies and listening to music helps me relax and escape for a bit. I hope you enjoy the journey of this blog with me.

Things I love:

AA: www.aa.org

Arsenal!: www.arsenal.com

Colts!: www.colts.com

Reading – see my interests and book rankings here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/26400584?ref=nav_mybooks

Hope to visit one day


Morgantown WV

Currently living in

Morgantown WV

Favorite Food


Favorite Season


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