Table of Contents 2 3 tep 12 and the Stoic Connection: Finding Purpose in RecoveryHow to work Step 12 in AAHow does Stoicism relate to Step 12?ConclusionResourcesWritten By Tony Harte tep 12 and the Stoic Connection: Finding Purpose in Recovery Welcome to the 12th...
Table of Contents 2 3 Step 11 AA: Prayer, Meditation & Finding Your Higher PowerPrayer and Meditation SimplifiedFor Agnostics and AtheistsDeveloping a Personal PracticeStep 11 and Stoicism: A Harmonious ConnectionThe Role of Prayer in Step 11Meditation: A Practice...
LISTEN HERE Table of Contents 2 3 FirstHeadingLISTEN HEREThe Importance of Step 10 in AA: A Stoic PerspectiveMaintaining sobriety with Step 10How to Work Step 10 in AAThe Stoic...
What is Step Seven of Alcoholics Anonymous Welcome to the 7th Step of Alcoholics Anonymous. Step 7 marks a turning point in the spiritual journey of recovery. This step reads: “Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.” It may appear simple at first...
AA Step 6: A Guide to Willingness and Change Congratulations! You have worked hard to get to AA Step 6. Working the steps one through five is some heavy lifting, friends. Making it this far also demonstrates that you are serious about your recovery. Few who are not...